Web App Hub: Beautify your Web App settings

This article provides an overview of the steps to improve engagement through customized visuals, detailed event descriptions, and helpful features like Highlight Sessions, Quick Links, Sponsor ads, and Stylings. Follow the steps outlined here to make the most of these tools and create an interactive and informative experience for your attendees.


The Explore feature brings the event “virtual lobby” to a whole new level, with novel ways for you to craft your storytelling that is supported by an evolving interface that constantly personalizes content and recommendations to each attendee.

Explore provides a central “venue” that encourages attendees to further engage with your event virtually through timely and personalized information. Read here to find more ways to visually engage your event audiences.

Event Details

Clear and precise content can beautify the explanation of the event.  You can insert your sponsors' pictures in the Explore page's event description

  • Pictures: You can simply upload the picture directly when updating your Event detail and you can link the picture to a certain website if necessary.

Highlighted Session

Providing a video such as a welcoming video will bring more comfort for the attendees by highlighting the agenda session. To do such action, follow the steps here

* Please take note that the Highlight Session feature on Explore is only available when you have Content 360 for your event.

Quick Links

Providing up to six (6) buttons that will link attendees to certain access, such as the event's website or exhibitor's booth, can ease their experience in the platform. To set up the Quick Links, please follow the steps here

Sponsor Ads

On our Sense backend, you can also set up the sponsor ads which include the header banner and in-between banner. To know more about this feature, you can refer to the article here.


On the Web App Hub menu that you can find on the Sense backend, you can setup the stylings of the platform, such as the the brand color, background color, default company banner and default company logo.

By setting this up, you can ensure that the platform aligns with your company's brand identity. To do it, please kindly see the picture below:

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