Email Courier: How to send out HTML emails through Campaign

Campaign is where you can preview, schedule and send out the various HTML email types and the different templates that you have edited or created in Templates.

Sending an Email

Step 1: Select the Recipients

Under Send To, select the groups from the drop-down options to segregate communication. You may choose a specific group or more than one group.

Step 2: Select the Email Type

Select the Email Type that you want to send out

Step 3: Select the Template

Select the correct Template created for the intended group(s)

Step 4: Preview Email

You can preview the email by either clicking on the Preview button or sending a single (testing only) email to yourself.

When you click on Preview, you will be able to view what the email would look like. If your event has multiple languages, you have the option to select the language that you would like to preview the email in.

Alternatively, you can send a single (testing only) email to any email address to view an example of the email that the attendees will receive.

Step 5: Send Email

Once you are satisfied with the preview, click on Review & Send to send out the emails to the attendees. Depending on the email type, there is also the option to schedule your emails (send later or weekly) under Send Time.

Note: To automate the sending of the invitation emails for subsequent new data after the platform launch, please contact your friendly Jublia representative to assist you.

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