Engagement Analytics

Home: Track Login Rates

Here is a brief explanation on how to analyze the graph:

A: Total number of accounts created in the system

B: Number of users with accounts

C: Number of accounts launched

D: Number of live accounts (excluding bounced emails, and accounts deleted from the platform)

E: Number of accounts that have logged in

Home: Increasing Adoption Rate

Download the list of accounts that have not logged in

  • Use this list to call some of these users to inform them about the platform or gauge their interest in business matching. Before you export the CSV, you can add the attribute(s) that is available in your event for your CSV report.
  • Typically done 2-3 weeks before event launch and after at least 1 week of engagement
  • Find out the emails and the reason why it is undelivered
  • Find out the accounts that are not live on the platform, eg. accounts w/o email address

If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads: 

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