Datasync: Managing Your Database

In this guide, we will cover various aspects of Datasync, a powerful tool for managing your  database efficiently. Whether you need to access your data, upload new information, or manually sync your database, we've got you covered.

Step 1: Accessing Datasync

To access DataSync, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Tools > Datasync in our platform.

  • To gain access to the database (Google Sheets), start by adding your email. Click on the '+person' button and then hit 'Save.'

  • You will receive an email invitation to access the Google Sheet. You can either use the link provided in the email or click on the "Access Database" button within Sense.

  • Important Note: Avoid adding attendee emails, as this action would grant them access to your entire database.

Step 2: Self-Service Data Uploading

Adding data to the database is a straightforward process with Datasync. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • Always add new entries below existing data.
  • Input data starting from the "Email" column (Column F) onwards.
  • Any changes or additions to the Sync Status (Column A) will be marked as "NOT SYNCED."
  • Essential data includes Email (Column F), Full Name (Column G), and Company (Column H).
  • You can leave columns such as Company URL (J) and Company Description (K) blank if no data is available. These fields can be auto-filled by our scraper.

Please Do Not:

  • Modify data in Columns A to E, as these contain sensitive information and are automatically populated.
  • Add, remove, sort, or filter rows or columns.
  • Add comments to the database.
  • Alter login passcodes and IDs (Columns B & C), as this information is sensitive.
  • Rearrange columns or rows within the database.

Step 3: Attributes

Datasync supports four types of attributes:

  • People: These are general attributes, typically displayed as basic values, such as in dropdown menus or within individual profiles.
  • Product: Applicable when the event includes Match Pro for specific groups, displayed as dropdown options in the Products tab.

  • Interest: Categories that indicate preference data, such as "Looking for," "Countries of interest," and "Product interests."

  • Special Attributes: These include features like adding images to profiles on the directory's landing page (SPECIAL_LOGO_ON_DIRECTORY_LIST) and associating attendees from the same company for activating the company view feature (SPECIAL_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER).

Learn more about Match Pro and its advanced features here.

Step 4: Manual Database Syncing

Sync Database is a valuable feature that allows you to synchronize your database efficiently. Follow these steps for manual database syncing:

  • Specify the range of row numbers for the newly added data.
  • Click "Sync Database." Avoid making any changes to the database during the syncing process.
  • Once the sync is complete, Sense will confirm its success. By default, the system will automatically send invitation emails after a successful sync, although you can customize this setting.

Post-Sync Database:

  • Newly added or edited data will display as "SYNCED" in Column A.
  • Each user will have their ID and passcodes generated in Columns B and C, respectively.

With Datasync, managing your database has never been more efficient and user-friendly. Explore its capabilities to streamline your event management tasks.

If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads:

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