Email Courier: Maximizing User Engagement with Omni-Channel Notifications

Effective engagement is crucial for the success of any event. At Jublia, we firmly believe that achieving this goes beyond crafting a robust engagement strategy—it also involves delivering timely messages tailored to the meeting activities of event attendees. 

Keeping this in mind, alongside dispatching our engagement campaign, automated reminders are delivered to keep participants informed through their preferred communication channels. Instead of relying solely on traditional email communications, we recognize the significance of reaching attendees across various platforms and mediums. These automated reminders serve as transactional notifications ensuring timely updates tailored to attendees' meeting activities. 

During the event phases, our engagement hub provides a wide range of communication channels and interaction methods.


Pre-event engagement strategies are crucial for maximizing attendance, creating anticipation, and facilitating networking opportunities. During this stage, aside from the engagement campaign rolled out by us, our system automatically sends notifications or reminders in some specific circumstances to help the users explore the platform firsthand.

  1. Passcode Reset

    Channel: Email

    Automated assistance provided to users encountering passcode-related issues, ensuring seamless access to event resources

  1. Unanswered Chat Notifications

    Channel: Email

    Automated reminders for notifying users of any pending chat messages, encouraging prompt responses and fostering communication. In instances of unstructured meeting formats (chat-only option), reminder are automatically sent to users who have not responded to a new chat within 10 minutes.

  1. Meeting Confirmation

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In),  in-app notification (native app-only)

    Confirmation Emails sent upon successful scheduling of meetings, providing users with necessary details.

  1. Meeting Reschedule/Cancellation

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt in), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In),  in-app notification (native app-only)

    Notifications dispatched in the event of any changes to scheduled meetings, ensuring users stay informed and updated.

Last Mile

The Last Mile stage commences with the dispatch of structured meeting schedule HTML Emails through Sense, initiating a cascade of last-mile notifications. Throughout this phase, we actively engage with users who have scheduled meetings to heighten awareness and boost meeting fulfillment rates, typically occurring approximately one week before the event dates.

Below are the common reminders sent during Last Mile stage:

  1. Updated Meeting Schedule Reminder

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In),  in-app notification (native app-only)

    A timely reminder sent to users one day before scheduled meetings to prompt attendance and ensure preparedness. Final meeting reminder is a structured meeting schedule that is scheduled 5 pm 1 day (event timezone) before the event starts.

  1. New Request Notification

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In),  in-app notification (native app-only)

    Notification for any new  meeting request if the frequency of email  is set by the user to immediate.

  2. Meeting Confirmation

    Channel: Email

    Confirmation Emails sent upon successful scheduling of meetings, providing users with necessary details.

  1. Meeting Reschedule/ Cancellation

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In), in-app notification (native app-only)

    Notifications dispatched in the event of any changes to scheduled meetings, ensuring users stay informed and updated.

  1. Unanswered Chat Notifications

    Channel: Email

    Automated reminders for notifying users of any pending chat messages, encouraging prompt responses and fostering communication. In instances of unstructured meeting formats (chat-only option), reminder emails are automatically sent to users who have not responded to a new chat within 10 minutes.

During Event

At this stage where your event has started, the reminders and notifications will center around meeting activities to ensure maximum participation of the attendees. All notifications and reminders from Last Mile will also be carried over until this stage.

  1. Daily Meeting Reminders

    Channel: Email

    Users receive a timely reminder two hours prior to the first meeting time slot of the day, prompting them to attend and prepare accordingly. 

  1. Meeting reminders

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In), & in-app notification (native app-only)

    This serves as a notification prompting attendance for the scheduled meeting. It is tailored to the user's preferences and will be dispatched 10-15 minutes prior to the commencement of each meeting.

  1. Meeting Reschedule/ Cancellation

    Channel: Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In), in-app notification (native app-only)

    Notifications are sent promptly in the event of any changes to scheduled meetings, ensuring users remain informed and up-to-date throughout the event.

  2. Post-meeting rate Email

    Channel: Email

    After the last meeting, users receive emails requesting feedback on their meeting experiences. After 15 minutes after your last meeting, you can expect to receive mail.

  1. Scan

    Channel: Push Notification (Native App Only)

    An automated notification will show up once other users scanned the user event badge

  1. Favorited Agenda sessions

    Channel: Push Notification (Native App Only)

    Session reminder is a reminder to attend the favorited session.The notification will be sent 15 minutes before the each meeting starts 

  1. New chat and new meeting

    Channel: Push Notification (Native App Only)

    These notifications contain information for new chat or meetings requests from other users.

Post Event

During this stage, all meeting activities will halt unless there is an extension for post-event activities. The focus of the post-event is gathering all the feedback from the users and gauging the sentiments of the overall event, platform performance as well as meeting activities.

  1. Post event rate emails

    Channel: Email, Email, SMS (Opt In), WhatsApp (Opt In), Facebook Messenger (Opt In), WeChat (Opt In) & in-app notification (native app-only)

    After the event concludes, all attendees will receive post-event rate emails twice: one sent out 3 days after the event, and the other sent 6 days after.

By leveraging these automated communication mechanisms, organizers can streamline participant engagement, enhance communication efficiency, and ultimately contribute to the overall success and impact of the event.

Learn more about engagement strategy by visiting this link:

Jublia Engage 360°: Driving Towards The Best Outcome For Your Event Engagement

Email Courier: Managing Engagement Emails

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