Leads Manager
Leads are an essential KPI for your event participants. Customize and export leads from Meetings and Scans by Jublia's account type and the role set.
How to Set Up
- To activate the Scan feature, your event should opt-in for Native App and have Jublia Account Pro.
- Go to Manage > Leads Manager
- Under Scan Activation, select the groups that can use the Scan feature. All groups with Jublia Account Pro will be available for selection from the dropdown list.
- All selected groups will be shown in this section.
- Select the export fields from the Data Export Matrix, which typically includes contact information (email and phone number). You may select additional attributes for your exhibitors to export.
- Scan contact details will be included in the report whereas Meeting contact details will be available only after the event to prevent misuse.
How to Enable Leads Export for Exhibitors
There are 2 roles available for the Scan feature:
- Admin role: have the ability to Scan and Export the report directly from the App
- Staff role: only have the ability to Scan from the App.
To enable/disable the Admin role:
- Go to Tools > CRM, navigate to the Company tab
- Search the company name > select the company you want to edit
- Go to the People tab > toggle the Admin/Staff button
- Admin role will be able to see an “Analytics|Export” button inside the Native App for them to download their leads
How to Define Which Data to be Shared and Collected During Scans
You may select all the information provided on the report for exhibitors.
- On Data Export Matrix, there will be 2 sections available to select the data to be shown a) Contact data and b) Additional attributes data
- Contact data will consist of “Email” and “Phone Number”
- Additional attribute data will include all additional registration information under the user profile. You can tick/untick to select the information that will be provided in the report
- Click Save
How to Download Leads
- Go to Tools > CRM, navigate to the Company tab
- Search the company name > select the company you would like to get the report from
- Navigate to the Analytics tab
- Go to Scan tab > click Download Scan Data
- The report will be sent to your email
If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads: