Jublia Scan Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting guide for Scan

Here are some common issues faced while using the app to scan for QR codes and we are happy to assist you in helping you solve them with our step-by-step guide.


Unable to scan for QR codes?

Your device is not running the minimum version required.

Check if your device is compatible with the requirements of the app.

For iOS, check if your iPhone is version 14.3 and above. If you need to update your iOS version, check for official instructions here.

For Android, check if your device is version 5.1 and above.  If you need to update your Android version, check for official instructions here.

Your camera permissions are not enabled. 

You need to allow your phone’s camera to be accessed via the app. This is generally requested the first time you try to perform a scan or when you first opened the app. To review and allow camera permissions, you can refer to the official guides:



You don´t have a stable internet connection.

You will still be able to scan the QR code without an Internet Connection and your scan result would be captured but displayed as unsynced data.  Once you have a stable internet connection, you can sync this data with the system by clicking the ‘Sync’ button. Once it is successful, you will be able to see the profiles attached to your scans.

The QR code you scanned is unidentified

You may have scanned the wrong QR code. Please make sure it is the official badge QR code of the event or the digital QR on the app only. This will not affect your other scans and it will show as unidentified in your exported report. 

I have tried all of the above but my error still persists.

We are sorry we haven’t been able to solve your issue. Try clearing the app cache by following the official Apple or Android instructions or simply reinstalling the app from the stores. Take note that you will lose any unsynced scans. 



As a last resort, you can install the app on another device, sign in with your unique passcode and give it a try!

Having issues downloading your leads?

Only the company admin is able to download the leads which have been set up based on your registration to the event and/or configured by the Organiser. If you are the intended company admin, you should receive the company scans report as an Excel file to your registered email address. If you haven't received it:

  • Check your spam, junk email, and deleted items folders.
  • Check with your IT team if there are any emails flagged due to your company's email policy. 
  • Contact the event organizer or your friendly platform concierge to download the report for you. This may take some time and requires us to perform role verification for privacy purposes.
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