Agenda Builder: Highlight Agenda Sessions

Highlight Agenda Session

Highlight relevant sessions to be featured on the Jublia web platform. There are two places for the highlighted sessions, Explore page and Agenda page. 

  1. Go to Agenda Builder menu > Builder
  2. Select Configure button
  3. Whether you want to add an Explore page or Agenda page, choose the session you want to highlight
    1. For Explore page, only one (1) session will appear
    2. For the Agenda page, the maximum is 4 sessions
  4. Click add button to add the session to the queue

**will follow rule highlighted sessions rule if multiple sessions are selected in the queue

Highlighted Session on Explore Page

Highlighted Session on Agenda Page

Highlighted Session Rules

Priority 1: Upcoming published highlighted session (can be multiple) 

Priority 2: Upcoming  bookmarked sessions with media content (i.e. video or image) - will be personalized by each attendee (see attached below)

Priority 3: 1st unpublished highlighted session 

Priority 4: If  Priority 3 does not exist, the platform will automatically display 1st published highlighted session

**Note: all sessions cannot be automatically selected via this feature. Please contact your project lead for assistance. 

Bookmark Agenda Session

Unpublished Agenda Session (reflected in grey)

If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads: 

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