Meeting Manager: Add Meetings (Virtual/Onsite) / Onsite Display

Discover the flexibility of arranging meetings for event attendees and effortlessly coordinating them with your desired participants. Utilize our "Add a Meeting" feature to manage your schedule with ease. Whether scheduling meetings before the event or during the show dates, it's a simple process requiring just a few steps. Say yes to seamless event planning and networking opportunities.

In this article you will learn how to:

  • Create new meetings 
  • Utilize table meeting selector
  • Join virtual meeting as an admin
  • Monitor live meeting attendance  

Create New Meetings

You may assist users by setting up meetings on their behalf with the steps below:

Step 1: On Meeting Manager, click "Add a meeting"

Step 2: Enter by name, email, or company for each field: Initiator and Recipient

Step 3: Click "Start Setup"

Step 4: You will be presented with several options based on the meeting format available in your event

Step 5: Choose a specific time slot for structured meetings, be it onsite or virtual meetings. If the meeting is unstructured or via message chat only, you can directly add optional meeting messages

Step 6: You can also consider any adjacent meeting session with this nearby meeting information

Step 7: Click "Confirm Meeting"

Step 8: Alternatively, select the date and time slot on the Manage Meetings and click "Add meeting at this time slot". Remember to pick the right event format if your event is a combination of Virtual and Onsite.

Step 9: To know where a meeting is located between the group who have a fixed meeting location or at least one of them has a fixed meeting location, the meeting location will be directly added when you select a time for the meeting.

Utilize meeting location selector

Aside from choosing a time slot, you can also choose a specific meeting location if your event has a shared location (table meeting, rooms, lounges, etc).

Step 1: Repeat the steps of adding a meeting until choosing time slots

Step 2: With a shared location setting, the system will automatically shows the option to choose table location below once you have picked a specific time

Step 3: You can let the system to choose the table location by choosing ‘Auto-select table’, or you can decide the specific location by choosing ‘Manual Selection’

Step 4: If you choose ‘Manual Selection’, click on the Search Table drop down to pick the available and preferred meeting location

Step 5: Once done, you can click ‘Confirm’ to finish the meeting creation.

Virtual Meeting: Join as an Admin

Step 1: For live events, organizers can enter the virtual meeting room to either support any technical issues or speak to users already waiting in the virtual room.

Step 2: Click on Join Call as Admin

Step 3: Grant video and audio permission 

Step 4: Enter the virtual meeting room to provide support or engage with participants.

Monitor Live Meeting Attendance

The system will automatically log an entry once a party enters the meeting room. This feature ensures you can monitor meeting attendance in real-time for both onsite and virtual formats.

Meetings Onsite Display

  • Show onsite meetings on a large screen.
  • Click on "Open Onsite Display"

  • Be more specific on your onsite display by adding "Advanced Filters"

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