Train Judy AI for Seamless Event Support: Organizer Guide

Who is Judy AI? 

Judy AI is your Jublia Buddy, a personalized AI assistant seamlessly embedded into our platform to enhance both event planning and attendee experiences. Equipped with powerful productivity tools, Judy AI simplifies the planning process, making event management more efficient and stress-free. Attendees benefit from 24/7 support, with instant access to event knowledge and platform guidance, ensuring smooth navigation through schedules, sessions, and features. By providing accurate information at any time, Judy AI minimizes the need for manual assistance, helping create a streamlined, hassle-free experience for your event attendees. 

How to set it up?

Step 1: Activate Judy AI

  • On Sense go to Manage, and click on Judy AI Training Studio.
  • Tick the Privacy Policy consent. You may read our full Privacy Policy first by clicking on it.
  • Hit the Let’s Go button.

Step 2: Train Judy AI

  • Under the Training Area section of the Knowledge System, drag and drop your event FAQ in PDF format or click on the field to upload multiple files (max: 10MB).
  • Or, insert your website URLs. Please note that URLs like and are treated as separate sources.
  • Hit the Train button.

Note: To ensure reliable AI output, include only relevant data in the training.

Manage your training dataset

Preview your training dataset

  • Click on the Eye button on the training dataset list to preview your PDF files or website URLs.

Remove your training dataset

  • Click the Trash button on the training dataset that you want to remove.
  • Hit the Confirm button on the Confirmation prompt.

History check

  • The Logs section provides a history of all training logs, including the type of training dataset used, the date, and the person who trained Judy AI.

Additional Information

  • Only text based content extracted from PDFs and URLs can be processed. Please note that other file formats (e.g. images or videos) or complex visual elements are not supported for Judy AI learning at this time.
  • URLs inserted need to be specific, URLs like and are treated as separate sources.
  • Judy AI can crawl your event website to automatically gain informational context of your event. To enable that, please generally allow your website, or specifically whitelist our IP ( and to enable Judy to access and crawl your website(s).
  • Judy AI is able to respond in multiple languages even if the training dataset is provided in a single language
  • Adding back a removed training dataset requires retraining Judy AI.
  • Ensure the training process finishes by keeping the tab open until completion.
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