Unlocking Business Insights through Scan Intelligence

Jublia offers a powerful tool designed to assist you in comprehensively mapping event-wide scan results and streamlining the analysis of scan reports. In this guide, we will take you through the process of interpreting the SCAN Intelligence analytics page, providing you with the insights needed to optimize your events effectively and enhance your ROI.

Understanding the Dashboard

This is where you can gain insight into the volume and distribution of scans made during your event. It categorizes the scan activity by Lead Types and Scanned Groups, providing a clear picture of your attendee engagement. To tailor your analysis, explore the filter feature to view these statistics either in real-time or across a broader time frame, helping you make informed decisions and assess the effectiveness of your event strategies.

As you navigate further down the page, the second section unveils a comprehensive breakdown of your scan results, which is a pivotal aspect of lead generation at your event. This breakdown is structured into two informative categories: company-based and people-based results.

Company-based results provide insights into how well exhibitors are faring collectively, helping you identify which companies are capturing the most attention and interest from attendees. On the other hand, people-based results shed light on how individual attendees are engaging with specific exhibitors. This is crucial for understanding attendee preferences and the effectiveness of exhibitor interactions.

Types of Leads

This is categorized based on the level of engagement and the quality of the lead generated during the event.

  1. Hot: These are the top-quality leads, representing potential clients who have shown strong interest to the products and services of the exhibitor. The conversations during the visit are more engaged and the attendees expressed a strong intent to follow-up.
  2. Warm: They are the attendees that show moderate interest but without strong engagement. This type of leads require nurturing and follow-up to convert into customers.
  3. Cold: These leads represent the attendees with minimal engagement or interest. Hence, converting them to become customers require effort and follow-up to build a connection.
  4. Unscored: These are the leads that require further evaluation to determine the quality and potential of the conversion.
  5. Invalid: These leads are a result of scanning issues rather than genuine prospects.

Export Data

Finally, let's discuss the simplicity of accessing these results through the "Download Data" button. By clicking this button, the report will be conveniently sent directly to the email address registered with Sense, ensuring easy access to your valuable event data.

If you want to explore more about Scan and Analytics, here are related articles for you:

  1. Top Metrics to Maximize Event Sponsorship ROI
  2. Tell Your Event Data Story Through Jublia's Connected Analytics
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