Preview Mode

The Preview mode feature offers you a convenient way to explore your event configurations from various group perspectives without the hassle of setting up separate test accounts. With the preview feature, you can effortlessly fine-tune your web app settings while simultaneously viewing the changes in real-time. This allows you to work seamlessly and efficiently, ensuring that your web app is perfectly configured to meet your needs.

To access a Preview mode account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to Sense
  2. Click on "Access Preview Mode"

  3. Choose the group from which you want to access the event configuration preview. This allows you to view the event setup and functionality specific to that group.
  4. Accessing the Preview Mode:
    1. Web App: Click on "Access" to be redirected to the web platform, where you can explore the event configurations and functionalities in a simulated environment.
    2. Native App: If you prefer using our mobile app, simply launch the app on your mobile device and enter the passcode provided. This will grant you access to the Preview mode account within the app.

When you access a certain group tagged as PRO Account, you will also be able to access the PRO account access such as company and product display.

PRO Account: Company and Product display

The display of location in My Schedule section:

Preview Mode Notification:

Upon logging in as a preview account, you will notice the introduction of a new notification component called "Preview Mode" as an indication that you are operating within a preview environment.

Exclusion from Analytics:

All actions performed using a preview account will be excluded from analytics. This allows for accurate data analysis by excluding any interactions made during the preview phase.

Limited Interaction:

Preview accounts will only be able to interact with other preview accounts. This includes sending/receiving meeting requests, sending company messages, making inquiries about companies or products, and sharing virtual name cards.

Restricted Attributes:

Preview accounts will not have access to any attributes, except for the position attribute. Additionally, the position value within a preview account will not be searchable through the web or native interfaces.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly access the Preview mode and explore the event setup on our web or native app platforms. Preview Accounts provide a valuable opportunity to ensure your event configurations meet your expectations before going live. Take advantage of this feature to optimize your event planning and create memorable experiences for your participants.

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