Customize Your Own AI Maps
This guide explains how to adjust marker colors, refine marker areas, and update floorplans in your AI Maps for a more personalized event experience.
Adjust Marker Area
You can modify the appearance of the areas covered by the markers by adjusting their color and opacity. Here’s how to customize the markers:
Step 1: Scroll down to find the marker settings.
Step 2: Edit the color and opacity according to your preference.
Adjust Marker Size
In some cases, the marker area might be too small or too large for the object you are tagging. Follow these steps to resize the marker:
Step 1: Click on the marker of the object you want to tag.
Step 2: Double-click on the marker's edges until white dots appear.
Step 3: Drag the white dots to adjust the marker size, covering the desired area.
Step 4: Click Save to apply the changes.
Venue Maps: Manage Multiple Floor Plans
For events hosted in a single venue with multiple areas, you can upload separate floorplans using the Venue Maps feature. This helps combine multiple halls into one cohesive venue map.
Step 1: Upload the floorplan image of the venue.
Step 2: Select Venue as the option before converting.
Step 3: Click Convert.
Step 4: Once converted, you will see a dropdown icon next to the venue name on your screen.
Step 5: Click Add Hall to upload additional floorplan images for different areas.
Step 6: Tag the areas on your venue map to link them to the single floor plan.
Updating Your Floorplan
Events often require floorplan adjustments, and we’ve made it easy for you to update your floorplan images. Here’s how to update:
Step 1: Click the Update button beneath the floorplan image.
Step 2: Click Choose Image and select the new image file.
Step 3: After uploading, click the Apply button to convert the new image into your map.
By following these steps, you can customize your AI Maps to suit the needs of your event and ensure a smooth navigation experience for your attendees.
If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads:
- Say Goodbye to Getting Lost: AI Maps For Your Event
- Map Setup: Quick and Easy Guide
- How to Use Map Cartography