Customize Your Own AI Maps

In this article, we’ll be covering how to adjust marker colors, refine marker areas, and updating maps.

Marker Area

You can modify the display of the areas covered by the markers by adjusting their color and opacity. To customize the markers' appearance, simply scroll down and edit their color and opacity.

Marker Size

In certain situations, the marker area may be either too small or too large for the actual size of the object you are trying to tag. Here’s how you can adjust the size of your marker.

  1. Click on the marker of the object you want to tag.
  2. Double-click on the marker's edges until white dots appear.

  3. Drag the white edges to cover the area of the object.

  4. Click on “Save”.

Venue Maps

If you have several areas within one venue that require different floor plans, you can upload them in venue maps. This is especially useful when your event takes place in a single venue with multiple maps.

The "Venue type" feature allows you to add two-level markers, including hall markers and default markers, which can be used to combine multiple halls into a single venue floor plan image.

  1. Upload the floorplan image of the venue
  2. Before converting choose “Venue” as the option
  3. Click on convert.
  4. Once the image has been converted into a venue, you will see a dropdown icon on the left card of your screen next to your venue's name.

  5. Select “Add Hall” and continue uploading your floorplan image(s).

  6. Tag the areas on your venue to link it to the single floor plan.

Updating Floor Plan

We understand that multiple stages of floor plan changes, and adjustments are likely to happen from time to time. To accommodate this, we have introduced an update feature that makes it easy to modify the floorplan images you've already set up.

  1. Click on the “Update” button beneath the floorplan image.
  2. Click on the “Choose Image” button
  3. Select the new image.

  4. Once the image has been uploaded, scroll down and click the “Apply” button
  5. The new floorplan image would be converted.

If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads: 

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