Managing RTMP on the Builder


RTMP or real-time messaging protocol provides for high-performance and secure transmission of audio, video, and data from an encoder to a server, which distributes the signal across the Internet. Many streaming providers and encoders support RTMP streaming and the format we use is the common RTMP Push where the Source pushes to Jublia’s Stream.

Getting Started

Integrating RTMP Channel with the Source

Validating the Channel / Testing the Video Stream

Adding the RTMP Channel to Agenda Session

Publishing the RTMP Channel

What to do if the RTMP stream does not work

Getting Started

  1. Go to Manage > Agenda Builder > RTMP
  2. You will need to create the RTMP Channel on Jublia. Click Add RTMP Channel and add a channel name along with the necessary Channel settings
  3. The system will generate a unique Stream URL and Key per Channel which you can add to your RTMP source. You can then Integrate RTMP Channel with the Source
  4. Next step would be to Validate the Channel to test if the connection between your Source and Jublia is established and the stream is working smoothly on the test player
  5. Once you are ready, you can Publish the Channel so viewers are able to watch the stream
  6. Voila, everything is ready! You can sit back and check on the rich viewership analytics shown in Sense (an upcoming feature).

If you are unable to watch the stream, refer to our Troubleshoot Guide

Integrating RTMP Channel with the Source

RTMP is commonly supported by most production software so you can check with your service provider on how to Integrate. We will give an example below from Zoom and OBS.

note: You must have a stable internet connection that can maintain an adequate, constant upload stream. An unstable internet connection could result in stream stuttering and lagging for your viewers.


Zoom’s Integration is relatively simple. You can refer to these links for

  1. Meetings
  2. Webinars

Take note that for direct Zoom streaming, viewers will see the stream without any of Zoom’s interface or functionality.


If you are using OBS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open OBS and click the ➕ plus button in Sources. Check this OBS Quickstart guide if you have never used OBS before.
  2. Go to OBS Settings (bottom right corner of the screen). 

3. Switch to Stream and select Custom from the Service dropdown.

  1. Copy the Stream URL created from Jublia Channel to the Server field and then Stream Key to the Stream Key field. 
  2. After that, setup the bitrate in OBS by navigating to Settings > Output > Video Bitrate. It should be set as 1000. 
  3. Click OK to save the settings. 
  4. For the Main scene, right click on the Media source and select Properties. Please make sure 'show nothing when playback ends' is unticked 
  5. Prepare 2 additional scenes in addition to your Main scene, which will be for your placeholder images or video snippets.
    1. The Start Placeholder scene will be used for opening the session and can be used to introduce the session or the speaker and act as a landing page for your session. 
    2. The End Placeholder scene will be shown at the end of the session so we suggest it to be a wrap up for the session or even introducing other related sessions. 
  6. Once you Start Streaming from OBS, 
    1. Make sure you are already in your Start Placeholder Scene, let it run for 12-15s. 
    2. After that, jump to the Main Scene. 
    3. Go back to Sense to Validate the RTMP Channel. Take note the validation does not affect the recording in any way, but needs to be done so you can link back the Channel to the Session in the Agenda Builder. 
    4. After the Main Scene is about to be completed, be ready to jump to the End Placeholder Scene immediately. Let it run for 12-15s. 
    5. Click on End Streaming. 
    6. Verify your recording by connecting the Channel to the Agenda Session.

Validating the Channel / Testing the Video Stream

As a precautionary measure, we need all RTMP channels to be validated to avoid issues during live events. To validate,
  1. Start the stream from your RTMP source and make sure the Stream URL and Key have been set up
  2. Once the stream starts wait for 30 seconds before clicking the Refresh button next to the Channel Status
  3. The Status should become Validated and the player preview on our test player will show the Play button
  4. The player’s functionality is a replica of what viewers will see. You can play the video and check if the stream works smoothly

Adding the RTMP Channel to Agenda Session

  1. Go to  Manage > Agenda Builder > Builder.
  2. Select or Create a Session you want to stream with RTMP
  3. Under Header Media, choose RTMP as the Option and choose the RTMP Channel with which you want to pair

Publishing the Channel

  1. If your channel is Validated, you should be able to view the Publish tickbox
  2. Publish the channel for it to go live for your Viewers. You can choose to Unpublish the channel to stop the Stream
  3. Please note that Unpublished Channels will show the stream on the test player but for viewers to watch, the Channel needs to be published

What to do if the RTMP stream does not work

We are here to help! As RTMP is an Integration between Jublia Agenda and your Content Provider, the issue can happen anywhere in the data flow. If the issue is on Jublia, we have the necessary support channels and tools to advise on the problem. However, if the issue is due to the RTMP source settings, it is outside our scope so it’s always best to direct your questions to the content provider platform.
If attendees cannot to view the Stream:
  1. Start by troubleshooting on Jublia
    1. Check if the Agenda Session is Published
    2. Check if the RTMP Channel is Published
  2. If the above steps don’t solve the issue, you need to troubleshoot on the Content provider platform as explained below

If organiser cannot view the Stream via Sense:
  1. The Stream can only be viewed if the Channel Status is Validated or Published. Make sure to Validate your Channel
  2. If your channel cannot be Validated, the issue lies with the Content provider platform setup referenced in the following section

Content Provider setup issue:
  1. Check if the stream has started on the Source
  2. Ensure that you have an Integrated RTMP Channel with the Source by adding the Stream URL and Key from Jublia RTMP Channel

Still, facing problems? You can contact your Jublia representative or email us at for us to assist you better.

If you want to read related information, here are some suggested reads: 

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