Manage: Sponsor Tiers

Sponsor Manager is a feature designed to help you categorize and display sponsors in designated tiers on your Engagement Hub, effectively highlighting their tiers and enhancing their visibility. The tool enables you to set up, categorize, and display sponsor tiers with ease, giving each sponsor a customized presence at your event. The sponsor tier indicators appear across multiple areas, including the Explore page, Meet page, and are visible on both the web and native app, ensuring sponsors have consistent visibility throughout the event experience.

Step 1: Access the Sponsor Manager

  1. Navigate to the Sense Home page on your platform.
  2. Click on the “Manage” button on the left navigation bar, then click Sponsor Manager

Step 2: Create a Sponsor Tier

  1. In the Sponsor Manager section, locate and select the “Add Sponsor Tier” option under the “Manage Sponsor” tab.
  2. Enter Tier Details:
  • Tier Name: Assign a name to the tier (e.g., Gold, Silver, Bronze) that will appear under each attendee’s profile, indicating the sponsor's level. The organizer is allowed to add up to 10 sponsor tiers, providing flexibility in managing various sponsorship levels.
  • Tier Color: Choose a HEX color code (e.g., #ffd700 for gold) to represent the tier, making it easy to identify across the Jublia platform.
  1. Save your tier information by clicking the Save button.

Step 3: Add Sponsors to a Tier

  1. Click Add Sponsor Tier and set the name and color of the tier.
  2. After setting up the sponsor tier, go to the tier settings, and click Add Sponsor. Enter the name of the sponsoring company you want to associate with the selected tier.
  3. Click Save to add the sponsor. The added sponsor will appear in the list below the Add Sponsor button for the selected tier.

Step 4: Review Sponsor Tags on the Front-End

  1. Sponsors added to a tier will display their tags on the event platform’s front end.
    • Each sponsor will have a tag that showcases their sponsorship level.
  2. Use the Preview Mode to ensure the tags appear as expected on the web and native apps.

How Sponsor Tags Are Displayed

Web App

Native App

Important Notes for Manual Database Uploads

If you're uploading your sponsor database manually (without using an API):

  • Ensure your event's Synced Database includes a column labeled “PEOPLE_SPECIAL_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER”.
  • This column must contain company names for each contact you wish to associate with a sponsor and their tier.

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